Monday, March 17, 2008

We should recognize the little things as well as the big

A regular day in health involves the majority of the time staring into the clock, trying to mentally will it to go faster. With my stomach asking for food, the distraction of work made it appealing. Grabbing my pencil and taking a deep breath, I was about to continue onto the next question when something distracted me (go figure).
“Why you got to be such a nerd?”
I looked up to see Darrell Watkins in Johnny Smith’s face.
A few kids joined a group behind Darrell laughing and throwing in there own insults. I was hypnotized at the fact no one was doing anything about it. The teacher was sitting, helping other students, half blind at what was going on. Criticism from his clothes to his face were said, in the way a little kid would come running home to his mom, tears streaming down his face.
To really see why this analogy is important, you must know that Johnny doesn’t have the mentality of his age. He isn’t mentally challenged, but he is slow when it comes down to it.
Johnny was a nice kid. He talked to a few close friends during class, and was really polite. He said hi to me as I would walk by him in the hall and open doors for others on the way to class. He might not be the coolest kid in class, but why was that a reason to pick on him?
With that reasoning, I put my own comment into the stew.
“Guys, why don’t you just back off? What the hell as the kid done to you?”
Here’s a little about myself, I’m always nice to everyone. Everyone knows I’m not mean unless I have a reason to be. So hearing a comment from me in such a stern voice towards them made them take a step back. They all laughed it off, perhaps thinking that I was just messing around.
I think the look on my face made them think that again.
Now I’m saying that everyone listens to me, and I'm some sort of influence the controls the school. But it goes to show that even someone so simple as me, can make a difference. It may not be world peace, or even peace among the school. But it’s a difference that can affect everything, especially Johnny. What if that was the last straw for him? What if he saw no other way out of the bullying, but then to hurt him or others?

"People glorify all sorts of bravery except the bravery they might show on behalf of their nearest neighbors."

We should really honor those who do the little things as much as those who do the big.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Different Point Of View

The Chair:
This is not any ordinary chair; it's my sanctuary, my private spot. Throughout the years I've spent most of my time outside, rocking back and forth soking up the nature around me. An old man like me doesnt have many visitors, so I tend to get lost in thought. Each time I do, I always trace back to the memory which I got this chair.
I had just gotten back from serving faitfully in the American Army for 10 years. I came home as a surprise to my father, but it didn't work out that way. Somehwo...I'm not sure how exactly, he knew I was coming. I knocked on the door, gingerly awaiting my fathers experssion; instead, no answer. I walked around back, grabbing the spare key and to open the back door. Right there waiting for me was this beautiful hand carven chair, and a note that said "reward yourself with some rest. I love you son." Standing right behind it was my father, satisfied with the expression I had on my face...
My thought were interrupted by a black spot on the porch floor. OH no, are those termites? I jumped up and ran into the house to grab some bug spray.
"Today's the day boys! We're moving up on the wood chain, finally getting our big break. That chair will at last be ours! Look at the wood, that tasteful wood. You wont see this everyday now. But, we have no time to waste. Quick! Before her gets back! Le'ts have us a feast today!"
"what a lovely piece of furniture, hand made too. Why he wont sell it to me, I cant seem to understand. Soon he'll be gone, and then what'll happen to it? If only I could persuade him to buy it. Displayed in my window, the chair will bring in a lot of customers.
The Train:
Here we go again. Another train fride from London to Cambridge. I hate leaving my wife every other day. Besides I hate Mondays. Works not exactly my favorte place to be but he, you got ot pay the bills some who. I should sound the bell, its 10 minutes to 12:00 which is our scheduled time to leave. I see some guy yelling, but I dont hear what he's saying. 30 years in the business, and you start to experience sufficient hearing loss. The scene is a familiar one. London's King Cross is always bustling with people around this hours. Sometimes I think theyshould put street light here. I'm always seeing people crash into eachother. It's kind of funny though...oh I'm so mean. To me, this is just and ordinary day, in the same ordinry station.
Oh? Are we ready to go?
Woooo Woooo! All Aboard!
"Mummy, Mummy! Look at the trian go!"
I waddled over the opening where the trains make there departure. I love seeing the trains go. I love there big steal structure; there cool horns, and the way the whells go chuga-chuga-chuga. I want to ride on one so bad! Why do they have to have that silly rule of no ducks allowed on trains? I mean, its not like i'll hurt anybody. I just want to ride the cool train! It must be so awesome to be one. Seeing all the sights and traveling into all different cities. I'm so jealous.
"Mummmyyyyy, i want to be a train!"
Oh no, please tell me that wasn't the hord. And please tell me that wasn't the all aboard call. If I miss this train I'm going to miss my business conference. If I miss that, I wont get that pormotion. And if I don't get a promotion, my new 350Z is going back to the dealership. Oh, I can't get rid of my baby. Work legs, work. Faster, faster. You're almost there. Crap. Crap Crap Crap. The engines starting.
"Noooooo, wait for me!!"
Apparntly they didnt here me, because the train started moving forward as my anger rushed to me.
The Highway:
I love when we go over speed bumps. I have to say, being a tire is quiet fun. When we go on roadtrips, its amazing. The scenery all around, the excitment of visting some where new. Its all so stimulating.
Whew, that was a close one. Can't get too excited or else I skid off the road. I dont want to get into an accident. Those are really hard on me. Oh look cows! I love animals!
"Thats right buddy, you better stop.
Stop cars and there stupid speed. This is the fourth time today that I almost got hit today. Fourth time! It's horrible. You think I would be able to cross my own street without being attacked. And my children? Forget about it. I make sure they dont come near this dangerous road. Or any, for that matter. Now, if careful, highways can be okay. But normally, they aren't and us cows aren't very found of them.
Whats that nosie?"
"A highway! Maybe if I follow it, I can find clear pasters. Which means some place to land and find out where I am. How could this trip gone so bad. The hurricane winds really threw me off course. They came in such short notice, I'm surprise my planes even flying. And with all these passengers on board, oh i hope this highway leads to safety. Its our only chance. We can't keep flying around in circles, we'll run out of gas soon. Oh highway, please bring good luck.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What If...

What If...

I could fly:
Flying, a super ability every kid wishes they could have. It'd be a new way of viewing the world, an experience that'd never get taken for granted. I'd fly everwhere I could, as fast as i could, and as far as I could. It'd be the best gift in the world.

There were no televisions:

I'd survive. Although I do enjoy sitting back and watching a good show, no TV's seem to be a nice invitation to be more active. Maybe your'e tired and you dont want to run around, you could aslo catch up on some reading; enriching your knowledge. Or maybe you could take up music, drawing, dancing, and a pletheora more hobbies.

The streets were rivers:
Instead of driving to work, we'd be rowing to work. Cars wouldnt be a necessity since we couldn't drive them on water...unless someone invents that. In which case, we would have taken a step further in technology.

People never cooperated:
What a disater this world would be. Our U.S. motto says it all: United we Stand, Divided we FAll. People create brilliant ideas, but unless we work together those ideas may not satisfy us. Cooperation is the key to having a functioning world...which is why so many people strive for world peace.

Animals could talk:
That would be very cool. The phrase "mans best friend" would come to life in a surreal way. You could make friends with a fierce tiger, or a loving dolphin. I'm sure there are lots of questions to ask the animals, and zoologist & marine biolgist would be ecstatic at the opportunity.

Everyone wore the same clothes:
Life would be boring, plain and simple. Wait, no. Seeing would be boring. No one would be able to bring out their personality in their clothing, which is the best part about choosing what you want to wear. I dont think I could stand it. It seems to me that with ebveryone wearing the same clothes, everyone would be equally dull.

If everyone threw a piece of trash on the ground:
I'd say it'd be hypocritical for me to say "If I threw a piece of trash on the floor it woul't matter. But if everyone did, it would" Well it only starts with one piece of trash. Thank God we have fines for littering and volunteers who give there time into making the world a clearner place. Think about it, without that we'd be swimming in a world of litter. No one would tkae a few extra seconds to throw something away, or to pick up a piece of trash from the floor.

Walk across walls and ceilings:
Wouldn't that be an easy way to do the yogo postion of requiring you to stand on your head allowing blood to rush to your head? Plus it'd take the fun out of Jackie Chan movies. I don't see the bad side of being able to do that, I mean it would be pretty cool.

If we grew taller then trees:
Woahh. That'd be awesome! I mean, I'm so short. To be tall for once would be so cool. We'd have to watch out for birds, though. That's a downfall, but you could always wear helmets (= This would be a very big life changer, since bulidings would have to enlarge length wise to flow with our height.

No cars, buses, trains, boats or planes:
Everyone would be in shape, thats for sure. We would all be either walking, running, or even swimming to our destination. Daily life would get a little more difficult because we'd have to leave for work/school a lot earlier (depending on your speed) and we'd lose a sufficent amount of time.

What if everyone lived under water:
If everyone lived underwater we'd be bringing the mythical charector of 'mermaids' to life. We'd probably live in tall coral reefs and left-alone-ships. We'd play around with dolphins and whales. Sharks would be the scariest part for me, so I'd wouldn't be by myself...ever. School would probably be in open waters with school officals actings as body guards.

If I found gold in my backyard:
Depending on how much it was, I'd save some as a personal treasure. Then I'd sell some for money. You don't find soild gold everyday, so its something that could be worth a bundle. Both finacally and personally.

A bully bothered me on the way home:
I'd wouldnt be afraid to tell them to back off. Thats simple enough.

Did verly poorly of a test:
I'd take the test, review what i need to study, study, and then ace the next one (=

A friend borrows things from you but never returns them:
Well, thats what me and my best friend do. We borrow eachothers clothes, and keep them for so long that we forget it belongs to the other person. It's really funny. But as long as you have that type of relationship with your friend, its okay. If not, you probably shouldnt let them use your stuff anymore.

I was the teacher and everyone forgot there homework:
As the teacher, I would give them time to do it during class. Continue on with the lesson, and whatever isnt done would be homework. Along with the oringally assigned homework for that day, and an extra assigment for being irresponsable.

If i was in the middle of the lake and my boat started to leak:
First off, I'd probably cry. Second, I'd use the paddle i had to get myself out there in the first place and start vigourously rowing twords safety. If my boat sinks before then, I would save a piece to float on and paddle the rest of the way. That way, i dont have to swim and risk getting tired, and drowning.

If my friend had a broken leg:
I'd help them in any way I could. I'd help with there backpacks, getting to class, and even with there lunch tray. It sucks enough that they can't do anything on there own, let alone do anything period. So why not help out and make things easier for them.

I woke up in another country and no one could understand me:
I would use pictures. Seriously. I would draw what i was trying to say, like picturnary. And I would hope to God someone knows how to play the game.

I ordered an ice cream cone and forgot my money:
Well I'd feel embarresed. What I'd probably do is say "I left my money in the car." run to it, and drive away. Or, I'd just look like a complete idiot and say i forgot my money. Either way, no ice cream /=

Someone got in front of me when i was in line at the movies:
I wouldnt say much, I'm not the agressive type. I'd probably wiggle my way in front of them, or I'd say something to the person next to be really loud so they could hear me.

There was only one hot dog left and me and my best friend havent had one:
I'd be okay with letting her have it. Better yet, we'd just split it. Its better then having nothing in our stomachs, and we won't be wasting a hotdog. Its a win-win

2 of my best friends went to the movies without inviting you:
I'd feel left out, and maybe a little jealous. But it was just one time, and it really shouldn't bother me as much as it probably would. Then again, maybe you would feel the same way too.
Got a present i didnt like:
Easy. If it's in front of a person that gave it to me, I'd pretend I love it. Then afterwords I would come up with some excuse in way I had to return it. i.e. My aunt got me a shirt I didn't like. I'd say it didn't fit me and they ran out of shirts that style.

Promised to feed my pet but didnt:
I'd never do that! That another life that I'm not feeding. I wouldnt want my pet to starve because of me. Thats horrible guilt. Besides, I keep my promises and I care about following through with them.

Someone told me a joke that you dont think is funny:
I would muster up a "Haha" to be nice. Normally when something isnt funny, the other person "cracks themselves up" and thats usually funny to watch.

Wanted to be friends with someone who spoke no English:
I don't think that could really work out unless I spoke there languadge; and the only one i speak is spanish.