Thursday, February 28, 2008

“Husband guilty of murder in 'letter from grave' case”

After deliberating for 32 hours, jurors decided that Mark Jensen is guilty of 1st degree murder to his wife Julie Jensen. The murder took place in December 1998 and a prolonged trail occurred because of a letter Julie Jensen had given to her neighbor. The letter, as jurors described as ‘hunting’, stated the following: "I pray I'm wrong + nothing happens ... but I am suspicious of Mark's suspicious behaviors + fear for my early demise," To read the letter, click here. Because this letter caused an alarming stir, jurors question every possible possibility including suicide.
The cause of death was the poison ethylene glycol, the main ingredient in antifreeze. Evidence has been seen that in addition to the ethylene glycol, suffocation was involved to speed up the process. This evidence has been dismissed by the jury and decided upon the reason of her death is to be solely poison.
In my opinion, it’s sad to see that she had suspicion of what was coming, yet seemed to do nothing about it. Maybe if someone would have pressed the issue, her neighbor or even herself, she could have been saved.
To think that someone could actually do that to another human bean is horrible. I mean his wife. Till death do us part does not mean, until the day I decide to kill you. It’s really not fair to her, although I do think she could have saved herself. Maybe if she would have told more people, or even the police. But then again, one may react differently in the situation then an onlooker. Looking at this article really makes me think of how people may have two identities. Be grateful for the ones that know you inside out and the ones you know inside out. Be sure you know everyone’s value, maybe that way we may prevent this from happening.

1 comment:

MCWood said...

ZOMG I posted a comment on your blog!!!

I hate these types of cases; if you marry someone why the hell would you murder them?