Friday, May 16, 2008

Presidential Survey Says My Perfect Canidate Is...

Hillary Clinton

Taxes: n/a

Iraq: Voted for the war authorization, but believes that the vote was a mistake based on faulty information provided by the White House. Now calls for a withdrawal of US troops.

Social Security: Hillary Clinton opposes privatizing. Clinton supported the interest for the Alliance for Retired Americans 100% in 2005.

Abortion: Pro-Choice.

Gun Rights: The NRA gives her an F, but the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Viloence gives her 100% rating.

Capital Punishment: Advocates the death penalty

Trade Issues: Supports the free trade advocates CATO Institute.

Social Security: Opposes privatizing.

Same Sex Issues: Voted against constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. Supports ga domestic partnership benefits, favors civil unions.

Minimum Wage: Favors increasing the minimum wage.

Immigration Issues: Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aliens as guest workers.

Education Issues: Clinton says private-school voucher proposals will eventually lead to the creation of taxpayer-financed white supremacist academies- or even a government funded “School of the Jihad.”

Q: Do you agree that the rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes?

A: Middle-class and working families are paying a much higher percentage of their income. [Billionaires like] Warren Buffett pay about 17%, because don't forget, it's the payroll tax plus the income tax. And when you cut off the contribution at $95,000, that's a lot of money between $95,000 and the $46 million that Warren Buffett made last year. We've got to get back to having those with the most contribute to this country.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Case of the Missing Ring

"ELIZABETH GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I yelled with all my might.
"FINE!" my little sister shot back while she stomped out of the room.
I let out a huff, "Man little sisters can be SO annoying!" I cleaned up the mess we had made, well she had made. "How hard is it to ask me if its okay to use something that belongs to me? Ugh, I hate when she just throws my clothes around trying to find something of mine to wear without my permission. So she says that she ‘doesn’t have anything to wear to this important’ party. That’s what she gets for not asking me first,” I folded a shirt and closed my drawer. 10:15 a.m. flashed on my digital clock and I knew I had to leave to meet Chris. “I guess the rest of the mess will just have to wait.” As I walked out the house I glanced over to the hall to see my mom putting away a bucket and pulling out the vacuum. “Mom, I know you love to clean but give yourself a rest.” “Well help me out and say you cleaned your room.” “I did, but Elizabeth messed it up. I’ll do it later though. I love you, bye!” I closed the door behind me. Chris and I were meeting at Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. We were in the middle of a challenge to see who could eat the hottest wing when I noticed my promise ring wasn’t on. “Shit! I forgot my ring at home. This is the first time! I can’t believe this.” One contest and a movie later I raced up to my room to put my ring back on when I noticed it wasn’t on my dresser. My clothes were piled on the bed and my footprints ruined the vacuum streaks on the floor. The bow my sister was wearing earlier today was by my door.
Who the heck to my ring?

Mysteries Sloved!

The Case of the Ruined Roses

The mystery is solved! Coach Thornton benched three of his best players: Sam Cartland, Mike Brooks, and Alex Avery. At 9 a.m. Coach Thornton’s roses were in great shape, at 10 he checked back outside to see his roses ruined. Alex Avery was at the Dairy Bar, and has an alibi. Max Brooks was working out and also had a liable alibi stating he was there since 9. Sam was at home watching the same documentary about UFO’s Nina and Max were watching before they heard Coach Thornton scream about his roses. Nina commented before the investigation started that she was amazed that UFO’s were dated back to the 1800’s. When they were discussing the documentary with Sam he said they were dated back to 1947. Obviously he didn’t watch it, which means he wasn’t home and must have tapped the show and wasn’t able to finish watching it, which means he did pulled the roses out from Coach’s yard!

The Case of the Disappearing Signs

The old lady defiantly is the guilty one taking the signs because it’s the middle of a hot summer day in July and she has a fire crackling in her fire place. That’s how we know she’s guilty, she has a fire on a very hot day. So she’s burning the real state signs so no one moves next to her.