Hillary Clinton
Taxes: n/a
Iraq: Voted for the war authorization, but believes that the vote was a mistake based on faulty information provided by the White House. Now calls for a withdrawal of US troops.
Social Security: Hillary Clinton opposes privatizing. Clinton supported the interest for the Alliance for Retired Americans 100% in 2005.
Abortion: Pro-Choice.
Gun Rights: The NRA gives her an F, but the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Viloence gives her 100% rating.
Capital Punishment: Advocates the death penalty
Trade Issues: Supports the free trade advocates CATO Institute.
Social Security: Opposes privatizing.
Same Sex Issues: Voted against constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. Supports ga domestic partnership benefits, favors civil unions.
Minimum Wage: Favors increasing the minimum wage.
Immigration Issues: Supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aliens as guest workers.
Education Issues: Clinton says private-school voucher proposals will eventually lead to the creation of taxpayer-financed white supremacist academies- or even a government funded “School of the Jihad.”
Q: Do you agree that the rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes?
A: Middle-class and working families are paying a much higher percentage of their income. [Billionaires like] Warren Buffett pay about 17%, because don't forget, it's the payroll tax plus the income tax. And when you cut off the contribution at $95,000, that's a lot of money between $95,000 and the $46 million that Warren Buffett made last year. We've got to get back to having those with the most contribute to this country.
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